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发布时间:2024-10-17 00:23:01 点击量:752
本文摘要:Samsung is no longer the biggest smartphone maker in India by sales. The Korean group was ousted from the top spot by budget local brand, Micromax, for the first time in the fourth quarter in 2014.三星(Samsung)丧失了印度市场仅次于智能手机制造商(按销量计)的宝座。

Samsung is no longer the biggest smartphone maker in India by sales. The Korean group was ousted from the top spot by budget local brand, Micromax, for the first time in the fourth quarter in 2014.三星(Samsung)丧失了印度市场仅次于智能手机制造商(按销量计)的宝座。2014年第四季度,这家韩国手机生产商在印度的销量首次被当地廉价品牌Micromax多达。Where Samsung accounted for 20 per cent of smartphone shipments in the three-month period, Micromax accounted for 22 per cent, according to data from Canalys, the market research group.根据市场研究集团Canalys的数据,去年第四季度,三星智能手机出货量占到印度市场份额为20%,Micromax的份额则为22%。

Indias smartphone market is growing rapidly with 21.6m devices shipped in the quarter, up 90 per cent year-on-year, and local brands such as Micromax appeal to the first time smartphone user by offering basic and affordable handsets.去年第四季度,印度智能手机市场增长速度迅速,总出货量约2160万部,同比快速增长90%。Micromax等当地品牌由于获取具备基本功能、价格便宜的手机,对首度出售智能手机者很有吸引力。

Canalys estimates that 23 per cent of shipments in the three-month period cost under $100.据Canalys估算,售价高于100美元的手机占到到去年四季度印度智能手机出货量的23%。The two popular phone makers have long jostled for prime position in the Indian market with differing estimates from various research groups. Samsung lost the top spot back in the second quarter of 2014, according to Couterpoint research.长期以来,三星和Micromax这两家热门手机生产商仍然在白热化争夺战印度市场销量冠军之位。它们用于来自有所不同研究集团的有所不同估值。Counterpoint的研究结果显示,三星早在2014年二季度之后丧失了印度市场第一的方位。

